Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lack of words

so.. I was waiting for this day to come.

the day where I am not sure what to write...I was waiting for it. anticipating its arrival. to be honest... I figured it would come sooner than this.

When I set this goal to blog for 30 days I never wanted anything to be forced, so I am not going to start now. That isn't authentic.

So I leave you with my favorite quote by my favorite author.

"Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." - C.S. Lewis

It means a lot.


hello jamie: said...

well you've inspired me to blog again. so that happened. xo

(PS my word verification is "rudoma." now, instead of saying something is "rude," it will be "rudoma.")

Dannybrou said...

love rudoma and love you. :)