I have touched on some of these recently...
One I want to write about but haven't had the chance to...
One I want to talk about today...
My favorite definition is
Distinct among others of a kind
I have been thinking about this word a lot lately and it hits on a couple of areas.
1) Making sure my needs are met so that I feel special. This is in all relationships (significant other, family, friends, etc.) The people I have in my life.. are they making me feel special...important...are they making me feel 'distinct among others'. I know this looks a little different depending on the type of relationship, but that is the key phrase here. Do their words and actions have a positive influence on my life. But at the same time...when it doesn't happen...how can I communicate this in a healthy way, because they are in my life for a reason and I want to always remain open.
2) Making sure that the people I love and care about feel special and that I am able to meet their needs in whatever capacity that looks like. Again...this is in all relationships (significant other, family, friends, etc). Do my actions and the words that come out of my mouth make them feel special. I want this to always be in the forefront of my mind...to always make them feel 'distinct among others'.
I want this to become 2nd nature.
you deserve to feel special because you ARE special.
one thing that I always try really hard to do is thank people. I told the MUNI driver thank you the other day and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. I try to thank my roommate when he cleans the house. I try to thank my boyfriend when he opens the door for me. Basically all these people are just doing the things they are supposed to do, but it makes them feel special that I notice and am appreciative.
and I truly, sincerely am.
thanks for being such an open and honest person Bruce. you've been a truly great friend to me for many, many years, and I couldn't be more appreciative of that!!
love you.
thank you jamie.
Miss you a lot.
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