Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Year...New Resolutions

This is the year that I pull everything back together.

My Career
My Goals
My Home
My Car
My Savings
My Health

As the weeks/months go on I will get into more detail about how I will accomplish all of this. Just sent Amber a text telling her that we need to hash out our goals over some booze. ;)

So I leave you with my New Year's Resolutions:

Some of these I have already started...others I am still thinking about, but it COULD happen in the near future.

1) Read at LEAST two books a month. If that means less t.v. and more reading then so be it. I will make it happen.

2) Become a vegetarian (still researching and thinking about this one)

3) Blog more. Jamie and I have already made a pact to encourage each other.

4) Never Ever go into another Wal-mart again. Ever.

5) Do some form of exercise at least 3 times a week.

more to come on all of this. promise.


hello jamie: said...

hell to the YEAH! on all of this. and you know I am always here to support you if you get disgruntled. I love resolutions! yay!

Jack said...

Why the interest in vegetarian? I'm interested, too, but I'm scared of the transition. And I kinda hate the idea of only eating healthy foods. :) But damn those Sarah McLachlan commercials for the SPCA...][

Dannybrou said...

Thanks Jamie!

Jack - well...for the...what began the thought anyway...was ready skinny bastard which went into detail about how these animals are raised (or lack there of) and killed. It was gross and I was disgusted.