Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Can you guess who?

  1. I met her on top of a waterslide
  2. She once came into my garage apartment with boom box on shoulder dancing to Everclear.
  3. We both hated BSM probably more than anyone.
  4. One time we danced like crazy to Michael Jackson's ABC.
  5. We are so alike that it is almost spooky.
  6. She is real
  7. She transparent
  8. She IS Penny Lane!

I am very thankful to have you as my friend.

Love you!


Kate said...

I thought it was me for a minute. :) haha

J.L. Williams said...

Oh my Dan I love you. You made my day. Love you like a fat kid loves cake or in my case Coca Cola.

Thank you for always reminding me I have value.